In the world now a days, development of the music shows their
existence through the deployment of soft power. Soft power is the
ability to get what you want by attracting and persuading others to
adopt your goals[1]. What an odd thing it is to see an entire
species—billions of people—playing with listening to meaningless tonal
patterns, occupied and preoccupied for much of their time by what they
call ‘music.’ Music is profoundly important to those with motor
disorders, though the music must be of the ‘right’ kind—suggestive, but
not peremptory—or things may go wrong[2].
Development of
classical music is very scattered in the Renaissance and Baroque. In
Renaissance and Baroque music education was though to be as essential to
creating civilized young people as mathematics[3]. Music is a human
book that gives satisfaction to the audience. Music is no longer a thing
difficult to obtain because it has many facilities that provide
learning about music. In Papua alone, the development of music,
especially violin developed by missionaries who came from Holland.
Learning the violin is free for anyone interested to learn how to play
the violin. One of the famous violin teacher in Jayapura is Pieter
Vieser. He was very friendly with the local communities in Papua and to
provide education through religious lessons and violin. Learning the
violin is improving motor and sensory children to be more creative and
thorough. Development of the violin was increased in Papua with the
opening of a music school in which there is a course to play the violin.
music, especially violin helps improve concentration and accuracy we
are. Playing the violin requires concentration to be able to synchronize
the bowing technique, note accuracy, and reading scores. In the
meantime, read violin sheet music can improve the accuracy because there
are a variety of tones with different beats. No wonder Dutch kids in
brain development goes fast because it has been practicing classical
music since childhood. Soft power is increasingly spread in the current
era of globalization. Netherlands as a country that plays a role in the
soft power of classical music particularly positive contribution to
Indonesia. Violin increasingly in demand in Indonesia, we can see for
themselves that a growing number of parents who put their children on
the course Biola. In Papua, violin currently in great demand by children
and I hope they can learn as children in the Netherlands.
[1] Nye, Joseph. (2003) "Propaganda Isn't the Way: Soft Power." International Herald Tribune” available from : [accesed : 03/05/2012]
[2] Sacks,Oliver (2010) “The Power of Music” Vol.129 (10) ,available from : [accesed : 04/05/2012]
[3] Holland, Bernard( 2003) “ New York Times : Pulling Strings to get Violin back Into Childrens Lives” Vol. 4 (10). P. 4
Wah, ternyata dari situ ya Flo belajar violinnya! :)
BalasHapusMantap! Keep playing it and be a blessing!